Distance Learning

Alief's Distance Learning Program continues to grow. Students are able to attend both Dual Credit and a variety of online classes offered through the Texas Virtual School Network. In addition, Alief offers blended courses in Principles of Technology and Business Information Management to all students. We are very excited to be able to provide these opportunities to our students! If you are interested in taking an online course, please contact your campus counselor and they will assist you with course selection and registration.

student success rates

94% of all Alief students taking TxVSN online courses will receive credit for their coursework.

91% of all Alief students taking TxVSN online courses will receive credit for their coursework.

HS credits information

6248 Alief credits earned by taking TxVSN online courses

DC credits information

1647 Alief Dual Credits earned by taking TxVSN online courses